Consequences of Early Reading Ability

This book is unlike any other educational reading resource with the many positive consequences it provides. There is a genuine bonding that goes on with the conversations you will have with your child as you discuss the beginning sounds of each letter. Their vocabulary is increased, their verbal expression is increased, their own future schooling judgment is happily increased because they all ready know this first big schooling challenge, and they will LOVE the admiration from the teacher and other students in their class. Their self esteem sky rockets, and they will love school that will be foundational for the rest of their schooling years. Also the allure of screens won’t be as intense as they find success in reading and learning through the printed page. There are so many forces out there demanding their attention that to sneak early and easy reading ability in is a HUGE positive for  their development. I have seen this success many times!


Media Influences

Children are highly suggestive to subliminal programing contained in cartoons, books, movies, kindle, video games, and other child oriented media. Be very aware and watch with them sometimes with your comments as to what is true and important in your household. You will sometimes observe political messages. Intervene and instruct. Teach critical thinking for their age appropriate understanding. “We don’t do that in our family.” “That isn’t right.” “You can’t treat people like that.” “That is not smart.”

The culture is after them early about how to treat people, what is important, what is right or wrong, how to act, what to think, how to spend your time, etc. It is all there. It takes hold slowly and surely. Don’t be surprised, and wonder how and why they think as they do as teenagers and young adults. The teachers were put into place early without your knowing it.

Are Screens Parenting Your Child?

What a horrifying question,  but screens have a great deal of influence on what and whom your child is becoming. AnOmaly on Facebook wrote in May 2018 “They are brainwashing your kids, folks, everywhere….Twitter, Facebook, Google, Kindle, Snapchat, the education system, television, music, etc. It’s beyond a “liberal” bias. It’s soulless, vile, negative, toxic, twisted, and backwards disguised as liberalism.”

You as a parent have to decide how true this is. It is in your home everyday….an alien intruder is within your child’s reach. Can you counterbalance this presence and influence? Hope so! How? Think about it. Take care….

The Spoken Word

The spoken word is the foundation of reading and reading comprehension. Words given voice create awareness to a child’s perception of his world, to the people in it, to the animals in it, and to higher levels of understanding. But first the verbalized word. Talk to them at every opportunity. It awakens them. Their brains and awareness expand. Their mouth, ears and eyes are their gateway to knowledge and education. Engage your child in conversation about anything. Connecting fun and silly words with sounds are the basis of my reading theories. But first talk to them about the world right in front of them. What is happening right here and right now ? Verbalization springboards your child’s awareness, understanding, and maybe even his brain. His ability to express himself has great meaning to him, to his teachers and to his parents. This process keeps growing and expanding as more and more  knowledge and awareness come forth. His world expands, and his interest in learning and in school take off!

But then along comes the screens with an odd and uncharacteristic silence. A certain quiet descends and children are easier to handle with less effort from a parent when they are sitting over somewhere totally engrossed in a screen. But think about it. Is this what you want? Sure, some is OK, but there are parents who are very restrictive about screen time as it is very apparent what is going on here. There is no talking and no physical activity, and who knows what is influencing your child on these screens.  Is this normal? Is this what you want? What do you think? Does this bother you? Is this OK with you? Children mimic behavior with what they see. Is this how you want them to spend their time?

Reading is an activity of great value as it opens a child world to adventures, imagination, and excitement.  This is what I propose. Early reading is the key to their kingdoms to open doors to their futures.

Please take a look!



Christmas is the time for children’s excitement and also to learn appreciation. Gifts are symbolic of God’s gift to us for his son Jesus Christ, but this is often lost. Some children are absolutely deluged with gifts that can lead to a certain confusion and anxiety.  Observe them as they rip through the presents going from one to the next. How can their reactions be improved? This is a learning opportunity maybe done in the other room later or better yet, explain what gratitude means beforehand.

I suggest to slow them down to see the thoughtfulness that goes into each gift selection esp. from grandparents. Remind them beforehand that people work hard to save to buy gifts for them, to consider their interests in their selections, and to show them their love. Teach them to express thank you, and to be happy with the gift even if they don’t understand at first. It is the thought that counts, and a thank you hug is always appreciated too.

I read on the internet that a few parents have been so disgusted with their children’s unappreciative attitude with gifts that they didn’t give them so many. So teach your children how to receive graciously and more importantly to show appreciation.

Creating Joy With Your Children

God has delivered a live long companion at your door who will bring you the full spectrum of human emotion. You can only imagine. A child carries your heart, your undying love, and along the way, don’t forget to have pure fun with him/her. She will always be up for a good time…an impromptu Friday dance that the weekend is here, making gingerbread, brownies or cookies, having a picnic lunch under an umbrella in the garden, picking berries from your own vines, a bubble bath, make popovers, a run in the sprinklers, a miner’s head flashlight (at amazon) so they can run around hands free in your backyard at night, popcorn with a special movie, picking flowers in your garden, reading books in a hammock under a tree, picking fruit from the trees in your yard, growing lettuce for your salads, making soup with you with “cooking music” (whatever that is for you) in the background, play games, puzzles and cards, hide and go seek, jump rope, fly kites, read the limericks of Edward Lear, dress up, braid hair, skip rocks on a lake or ocean, sleep in a tent in a child’s bedroom, play croquet…..and don’t forget to teach them to read early in a very fun and happy way!


Gifted Children

Gifted children are in my family, and I have been proactively aware of their development for many decades. It is my opinion, to actively converse with them early on in their lives, and certainly teach them to read, as they will be actively engaged participants esp. using my methods. Reading ability will be easy. One on one active conversations will be necessary as they enter into this world  their high gifts.

It is my opinion to keep them in public school in gifted classes along with targeted home schooling targeted to their natural talents, so that they are better able to function in the world. To be isolated from the usual kids doesn’t strengthen them. But this is just my opinion.  The people in the world have far less mental ability, but the gifted have to know how to adapt, adjust and function in this truth, and to contribute to all. It is their calling.

I invite you to look here

Self Esteem

This is an issue with limited long term results, imo. Yes, children must have confidence in their abilities to create solutions and to apply themselves with effort for results, and to be loved unconditionally. But for children to be deemed wonderful and capable just because the schools and parents tell them so…..don’t think so. I compliment children for specific tasks that are well done, and this is fine. But to give trophies and acclaim for little effort or for just showing up hurts a child’s progress and understanding about life. Children are very bright. They know if they have worked hard and are deserving for rewards….. and are not fooled by false accolades.

But “Millennials” are the example of approaching this subject incorrectly. They have been fashioned if not indoctrinated by an elite culture with a simplistic emphasis on feelings and other subjective so called “truths” that are individual and changeable. I hear the words now such as “classist and racist” which are automatic conclusions, even propaganda, and seen as truth. I say use critical thinking, logic, merit, and reasoning to come to conclusions….back and forth debate between people that isn’t just emotional. Empower children to think, reason, and study for themselves before conclusions are found. In this manner, internal confidence and maturity grow. I guess you can call it self esteem, but work, study, and critical thinking must be integral to this learning process.

Early reading and understanding the written word takes happy effort  that I  describe here.

GET the BOOK !

Learning Solutions

Children these days are not capable of solving problems, even simple ones. Why is that? Does somebody in the house step in to fix the problem, and without thinking take their burgeoning problem solving abilities away from them? Are children not respected enough to do something of value? Do parents understand the ramification of teaching problem solving early as a precursor to a successful adult life? Does this reflect the sense of  entitlement that many people of all ages have today? Are children so tied up with the various screens that they are not even aware of simple solvable problems?

Are you giving your children responsibilities and chores at home that they are expected to do that build confidence and self reliance? If not, have them take out the trash, put their laundry in the laundry room, sweep the front entry way, make their beds, pick up their toys, put their dishes in the dishwasher, have them feed the cat, dog, fish, turtle, bird. You have your own ideas about how to do this because it is very important.

A wise parent must identify simple problems in their child’s young years that are easily solvable, and then let the child grabble with them to come up with a solution. You will ask, “What can we do here? What do you think we should do? (Don’t come up with any possible solutions.) I don’t have any ideas. Gee, I don’t know. What do you think we should do?” This is great training for life. It will bring confidence, self awareness, a “can do” attitude, maturity….AND THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT.

Teach them to read early to bring further confidence

Give my book a look!


A Successful Child!

Developing a successful child to become a wonderful and productive member of society plus becoming a great future husband or wife must be a parent’s ultimate priority!

My ideas include creating an early reader starting a little before 3 years old in a very slow and vocabulary enriching process that creates a fun and meaningful relationship between the two of you (not to mention early and easy reading success.). The abundance of happy chatter focuses a child on his personhood, his observations, and relationship with others and his world. Security and self confidence grow, and an awareness of being alive come forth with lots of back and forth talking which must include a religious understanding that none of us is alone.

Character Building…so important. Teach her that doing the right thing in any situation is very important, helping and thinking of others, respecting everyone including teachers, telling the truth, helping your parents (chores) and people around you, kindness to others, thoughtfulness etc. This is called integrity and a moral life where true happiness resides. Also consider Delayed Gratification (don’t give them everything they want when they want it.) And teach them a work ethic starting with a few simple chores (everyone in a family contributes.)…all of the above plus MANNERS!…..Grandmothers know what all of this means! Check with them if you have questions!

I love the book, I’M OK , YOU’RE OK by Thomas Harris. Read (and it is easy to  understand and to implement) to create an adult/adult relationship with your child as you seriously take what she says as important and worthy of consideration. Observe as her maturity skyrockets. Let her decide about solutions for certain minor problems on her own under your watchful eye to ramp up her ability to make good decisions firmly grounded in a smart and productive way. You have to read the book to understand…very worthy no matter one’s age.

Love unconditionally with consistent emotional support and respect throughout all of their years. Enjoy their amazing friendship. They grow up way too fast!

Feed properly with the very best in medical care. I used natural medicine/homeopathy etc. to great success. Teach them to cook…have a veggie garden!

Lots of play, physical activity, and verbal interplay…limit screen time!

Watch for their natural talents and develop them!

Discipline…If misbehaving, please take them into the other room (so as to not embarrass them in front of others,) and correct in a calm and even voice as you talk to them at their eye level. Let them think about it, and return to the others when they are ready. Repeat if necessary. Be consistent!

Be a great role model!!!

GET MY BOOK!   Reading proficiency is the first step! Thanks for following me at